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The Lagotto Overview


The first year is very important, the Lagotto needs a firm calm guide in the owner and will  become a calm and confident dog.  Set a daily routine, it is also very important to get the puppy used to being manipulated ex. Paws, teeth, ears… in a calm natural way.  We also highly recommend puppy socialization and  obedience classes.   With your puppy package, you have access to AKC certified  trainers who are available daily.   Please utilize them frequently  if you have questions or concerns. 


The Lagotto History


The Lagotto  Romagnolo is an ancient Italian breed that was originally used as a hunting and water retriever.  The breed’s own name comes from the Italian word “Lago” which means lake.  Originating from the marshlands of Ravenna and the lowlands of Comacchio, a sub-region of Romanga, Italy.   When the marshlands were drained in the late 19th century and turned into  arable land, the vast Lagotto Breed and flocks of water fowl disappeared.  The Lagotto needed to find a new purpose.  With their highly tuned nose, search drive keen senses and natural agility they have proven to be very efficient in truffle hunting and are the only dogs bred for this purpose.  In the 1970’s a few remaining Lagotto enthusiasts decided to establish this dog as a recognized breed.  In 1988 the C.I.L. Club Italiano Lagotto was established.  In 1995 the breed was officially recognized by the F.C.I.  The Lagotto have recently been recognized by the A.K.C.


Lagotto Breed Traits


The Lagotto   medium-sized dog, well proportioned, powerfully built, of a rustic appearance, with a dense, double curly coat of woolly texture.  

Temperament: Affectionate, devoted, loyal and loving. Lagotti  are a sporting dog requiring sufficient exercise. They are easy to train and eager to please. Working or playing, they have the ability to concentrate at the task at hand, not easily distracted by other scents or animals. Due to their alert nature they make good watch dogs, but not suitable guard dogs, as a non-aggressive breed. They enjoy the company of other dogs and pets and are good around children as long as they are socialized from an early age.

Traits: Dependable, clever, loving, loyal, affectionate, agile, obedient, happy & friendly.

Color: Solid white, solid off white, solid orange, solid brown, white with orange markings, white with brown markings, roan, brown with tan markings. While a brown puppy may be almost black when young, solid black or black markings are an unacceptable color.

Height: Males: 17 – 19 inches & 29 – 35 lbs.;   Females: 16 – 18 inches & 24 – 32 lbs          Life Span: 11 – 16 years

Coat: Its double coat has a wooly texture, rough-surface, thick, ring-shaped curls evenly distributed all over the body except the head where the curls are less tight and form eyebrows, whiskers and a beard.

Grooming: The Lagotto has hair rather than fur (little shedding), a great choice for people with allergies. Their coat is best kept at about 1 to 1.5 ” in length. The signature look of the Lagotto are tight curls fitting the body. Lagotto are shown as natural and rustic (no blowing or fluffing), having the appearance of a working dog ready to work! The hairs from the ear canal should be gently plucked out regularly.   

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